Benefits Of Temporary Parking Lots

Benefits Of Temporary Parking Lots


Melville Jackson

There is much abuzz regarding temporary parking spaces in the city of Aurora. The authorities have announced that it will pull down the YWCA building on River Street to build a temporary parking lot by 2012.

Temporary parking lots are being preferred by many civic authorities and business space owners over the conventional concrete ones because of the following reasons: 1. Convenience:

These parking spaces come with oodles of convenience factors. They are easy to set up and are easy on the maintenance front. When no longer needed, they can be removed without much hassle. These are extremely sturdy too and can support immense amounts of weights without damaging the surface. In fact, those from well-known manufacturers can also withstand the force exerted by turning tires. This makes these types of parking spaces ideal for those who want temporary solutions to park vehicles.


2. Cost-Effective:

Temporary parking spaces are economical. They are a staggering 80% less expensive than their traditional asphalt counterparts. The cost benefits stem from multiple fronts. These can be installed, dismantled, and re-installed at various places thereby enabling the user to recover up to half the initial cost. Using temporary parking spaces also entails lucrative tax benefits like deductions in installation and dismantling charges during the tenure of the contract. Cost benefits are also accrued from the fact that they are more pocket-friendly-30% less expensive to be precise. It is thus more feasible to install a temporary parking lot than to lease a place off-site.

3. Time-Saving:

It is not only easy to install a temporary parking area, but also immensely time-saving. In fact, experienced and competent technicians can set up one in 80% less time than the conventional asphalt lot. This time saved is reflected in raised productivity levels and higher revenues for, say a business owner who wants a parking lot in his office premises.

4. Environmentally Friendly:

Many temporary parking lots offer effective storm water management and erosion control features. These may also optimize already-in-place drainage flows and thus enable effective water management. For instance, the fully permeable lots allow water to seep in through the substrate. This not only drains the soil underneath the structure but also does away with runoff problems and the necessity to have retention basins. These eco-friendly features also make these parking spaces an attractive choice for the green-minded buyer.

5. Comprehensive Solutions:

Temporary parking lots are comprehensive solutions for a wide range of requirements-at ports, airports, and for the automobile and railway sectors. They are versatile enough to be used for inventory overflow storage as well as meet the high demands generated during a particular season or an event.

If you have been debating whether or not to install temporary

parking lots

, think no more! You have the reasons and TemPark has the solutions.

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